Archive for March, 2022

Geothermal Energy

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Today, we’re talking about heat. The Earth is hot. And no, we’re not referring to Global Warming — at least, not this time. The Earth is hot on the inside. How hot could it actually be, you ask? The inner core of the Earth is almost 11,000°F which is as hot as the surface of the sun!

This heat provides Geothermal Energy: a constant supply of completely clean, sustainable energy!

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Humans have been using this energy source for thousands of years, for bathing and cooking. Then, in 1904 in Larderello, Italy, a plant was built to generate electricity from geothermal steam. Initially, this power was enough to light only 5 light bulbs. But today, this plant generates 545 megawatts of electricity. For perspective, a typical coal power plant provides about 600 megawatts.

Geothermal energy comes in either liquid or steam form, and sits within varying depths of the Earth’s layers. The 4 main layers of the Earth — the Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner Core — all provide different levels of heat within the rock also and magma. Even the very upper 10 feet of the Crust provides consistent heat, between about 50 to 60° Fahrenheit, which can be used via a geothermal heat pump to heat or cool buildings.

Did you know that 90% of the heating for buildings in Iceland is provided this way?
From only slighter deeper within the Earth, geothermal water can also be used for heating buildings or, as seen in Boise, Idaho, for melting snow from the sidewalks.
On a larger scale, there are three types of geothermal power plants: dry steam, flash, and binary. Dry steam literally takes the steam out of a fracture in the ground and uses it to drive a turbine.

Flash plants pull deep, high pressure hot water into pools of cool water, thereby making steam, which drives a turbine.

In binary plants, the hot water extracted is passed by another fluid which has a lower boiling point than water, thereby creating vapor which drives a turbine. Binary plants are likely to be the most common geothermal power plants of the future, as they require only a medium temperature field to begin with.

Then of course there’s raw magma…but the tech to capture this heat is a way off.

Hot dry rock is one of the best sources for geothermal energy, as it’s abundant and available widely across the globe. To use this, there must be two wells drilled to about 3-5 miles, and spaced about 2 miles apart. Cold water is injected under high pressure down one well, and then drawn up from the second well, as hot water. This technique is called an Enhanced Geothermal System.

But it’s hard to get access to the right rocks, and we can’t yet achieve water flow rates which would make this system commercially feasible for providing electricity.


It’s a work in progress.

Proudly, the U.S. leads the world in the amount of electricity generated from geothermal energy production, with the most developed geothermal field being The Geysers in Northern California. But before we pat ourselves on the back too hard, this still only equated to 0.4% of the total U.S. electricity requirement for 2017. We’re in a position where we’ve been given this amazing resource, we just have to figure out how to use it. It won’t be fast or cheap, but geothermal energy is the absolute largest renewable, sustainable and clean energy source we have.

It sounds almost too good to be true… So, are there disadvantages?

Unfortunately, yes.

There are minor concerns around the release of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia, but it is far below the levels of greenhouse gases released through fossil fuel mining and energy production.

Also, the drilling needs to be done mindfully – given the location of accessing this heat, between tectonic plates, there is sometimes concern around increasing the risk of earthquakes. But most downsides are related to individual access and utilization of geothermal energy, rather than when it’s done on a commercial scale.

And these small downsides are put into perspective easily: geothermal plants use only 10% of the land requirement for a coal or wind power plant, and 0.2% of the freshwater requirement of nuclear, coal or oil. Another huge advantage geothermal energy has over other renewable sources is that it’s not dependent on the sun, like solar, wave, or hydro energy.

This makes it far more reliable.

So next time you’re taking a relaxing dip in a hot spring, think about how lucky we are to inhabit this Earth, and how amazing our natural resources are. Then plan one extra way of being more sustainable tomorrow than you were yesterday.
Video Rating: / 5

Harnessing Hydropower Energy and Installation of free electrical system for cabin camp | OFF GRID

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Harnessing Hydropower Energy and Installation of free electrical system for cabin camp | OFF GRID Ep.16

#bushcraftcamp #HydropowerEnergy #buildingalogcabin #SolarEnergy #waterEnergy #Energyforoffgrid #electricalsystem #freeEnergy #anabushcraft

Ana’s has lived alone here for a while, The electric power system that Ana’s is using is powered by a small 1000w turbine. After building the small cabin, Ana’s needed to install the electrical system for the house. Today Ana’s will upgrade the flow and ensure enough water for Ana’s hydroelectric system to work properly and provide enough electricity for Ana’s house. Do you see Ana’s installed correctly? Please leave your comments in the comments section. Hope you guys enjoy the work Ana’s is doing and See you in the next videos on Ana’s bushcraft channel.

Watch More :
FULL VIDEO : Installing a rudimentary electric power system from water…

FULL VIDEO : Building a Log Cabin . . .

Full Episode : 60 DAYS LIVING OFF GRID . . .
Video Rating: / 5

Power Vs Energy (kW vs. kWh) : Absolute Solar Power Basics

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When it comes to solar, Power (kW) and Energy (kWh) are two of the things I see people get mixed up the most – I’ve even seen trained solar salesmen confuse the two, especially when talking about batteries.

If you want to fundamentally understand solar power, batteries, electric cars, and the future of energy so you can reap the benefits of the technology instead of being bewildered by it all, then understanding the difference between power and energy is your first step.

In this video, I break down how the two relate to solar power and solar batteries in a simple, intuitive way.

If you know almost nothing about solar, consider this video your entry point :). You can also read about the difference between power and energy here:

What is a WIND TURBINE and how does generate electricity? Wind power – Components – Accidents

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Wind turbines are devices that convert the wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy.

We can simply describe the wind as moving air, caused by differences in atmospheric pressure between different regions of our planet.
Differences in atmospheric pressure arise as a result of temperature differences.
When the air moves from an high pressure region into a low-pressure region, we feel the moving air as wind.

On the other hand, we can describe wind energy as the process in which wind is used to generate mechanical energy or electricity.

Since the beginnings of civilization man has always took advantage of wind energy: from the simple sail boats, to the grinding grain with the windmills, up to the actual production of electricity thanks to the wind energy converters, also known as WIND TURBINES.

There are different types and different sizes of wind turbines.
In this video we will focus on the most common horizontal axis turbines:
-We’ll find out which are the main components of this particular type of wind turbine
-We will understand how these devices are able to transform wind energy into electric current.
-We’ll see why don’t wind turbines have more than 3 blades, through the observation of their airfoil shape.
-And we will also see what are the main causes of accidents that can occur during the operation of these devices.

The first wind turbines were built towards the end of the nineteenth century with the aim of supplying electricity to small isolated villages

In the following years, the gradual structural and technological improvements of these devices, allowed the creation of real wind farms entirely dedicated to the production of electricity

Nowadays there are about 26 companies in the world specialized in the production of wind turbines

As we already mentioned at the beginning of this video, wind turbines transform mechanical energy into electrical energy. The wind energy caught by the wind turbines is in fact transferred thanks to a mechanical shaft to a generator.

The generator transforms the rotation energy into electrical energy, which in turn is transferred to a transformer, usually placed at the base of the wind tower. The transformer acts as a link between wind turbines and distribution grid. It steps up the low output voltage from the generator to higher distribution voltage level.

Let’s take a look at the various components of a wind turbine:

This is the TOWER, one of the most important parts. It represents the supporting structure of the wind turbine and has the function of absorbing the vibrations generated by the rotary motion of the blades.

These are the BLADES which are aerodynamically optimized to capture the maximum power from the wind and transfer it to the rotor hub. Each blade is usually 20 m or more in length, depending on the power level.

The ROTOR is the rotating part of the wind turbine. The rotor hub holds the wind turbine blades while connected to the gearbox via the low-speed shaft. Here we can find the pitch control system. Thanks to the pitch control, blades are turned in their longitudinal axis to change the angle of attack according to the wind directions. This mechanism also blocks the rotation of the rotor when the wind is too strong, or too weak.

The NACELLE is instead the enclosure of the wind turbine that houses all of the generating components, including: the gear box, the braking system and the generator, but also the pitch control system and the yaw system, which is responsible for the orientation of the wind turbine rotor towards the wind.

An anemometer places at the rear of the nacelle, in fact, constantly detects the wind direction. Whenever there’s a change in wind direction, the anenometer sends a signal to the yaw system, that provides to rotate the entire nacelle and consequently the rotor and the blades , to meet the wind at the best angle.

But now let’s see in detail what happens when the wind turbine goes into action:
The blades starts to turn when the wind reaches the so called “cut-in wind speed”, that is the point at which the turbine starts generating electricity from turning.

The rotor is connected to the drive shaft, which rotates inside the necelle.
The rotational energy of the drive shaft is transformed into electrical energy by the generator.
A generator is in fact a device that uses electromagnetic induction to produce electrical voltage…
Video Rating: / 5

20. How Nuclear Energy Works

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MIT 22.01 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Ionizing Radiation, Fall 2016
Instructor: Michael Short
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Ka-Yen’s lecture on how nuclear reactors work is expanded upon, to spend more time on advanced fission and fusion reactors. Lots of topics related to reactor operation are conceptually introduced – moderation, absorption, leakage, fast vs. thermal spectrum, breeding fuel, neutron poisons, and temperature/density feedback. This sets the stage for student control of the MIT reactor to come shortly.

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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