Archive for the tag: Hydropower

The Hidden Cost of HydroPower

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In the age of the Climate Crisis, hydro-electric power plants are a great source of clean energy and financial benefits. This is particularly true in developing areas which lack natural resources. As these facilities expand at an ever larger scale their externalities are becoming more and more visible.
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Hydroelectric power, also known as hydropower, is a form of renewable energy that utilizes the gravitational force of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. It is one of the oldest and most widely used sources of renewable energy.

Hydroelectric power is a clean and renewable energy source because water is continually replenished by natural processes, such as rainfall and snowmelt. It is a reliable source of electricity, providing a constant and predictable power supply.

Additionally, hydroelectric power plants produce no direct greenhouse gas emissions during operation, making them an environmentally friendly option for meeting electricity demand. However, the construction of large dams and reservoirs can have significant environmental and social impacts, and smaller-scale run-of-river or micro-hydropower systems are alternative options that minimize these impacts.

Pumped-storage hydropower

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Pumped-storage hydropower from Norwegian water reservoirs can secure Europe’s power supply in the future. A regulated power reserve is required when the wind isn’t blowing and wind turbines aren’t producing energy. Read more here:
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Renewable Energy: How does hydropower work?

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Hydropower or hydroelectricity is the creation of energy from fast-flowing water to generate electricity. Come behind the scenes of a hydropower station to learn how hydropower works.

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Hydro Tasmania is Australia’s largest clean energy provider and the largest provider of renewable energy in Australia.

Do you know how we generate electricity from water? This is sometimes referred to as hydroelectricity or hydropower.

It’s all about utilising the two forms of energy that water contains, potential and kinetic, and transferring it into electrical energy.

Potential energy, also known as stored energy, is gained by the construction of dams in varying design along natural waterways.

The water is captured both directly from rain as well as inflows from adjacent rivers, creeks, streams and melting snow.

We can also increase the size of existing lakes by diverting inflows and blocking outflows. An example of this being the Great Lake in our Central Highlands.

As the water rises behind the dam wall the dam’s water becomes a potential energy reservoir. When the demand for electrical energy occurs the stored water is released from the catchment by opening an intake gate or inlet valve.

As all hydropower stations are built lower than the water catchment itself. The water is connected via a combination of canals, tunnels and pipes into the power station below.

The power stations are sometimes built underground. Depending on the type of turbine, the water either flows through or directly hits the turbine runner and causes it to spin. The height between the reservoir and the hydropower station determines how fast and with how much power the energy of water will travel and be transferred to electrical energy.

The energy of the moving water has now transferred to mechanical energy and after it passes through the turbine is released back into the river below the power station.

In addition to generating electricity and through controlled methods, a measured amount of stored water can be released into the downstream river to maintain waterways for both recreation and aquatic life.

Above the spinning turbine is a shaft which connects to the generator. Inside the generator is a rotor and a stator. The rotor contains many magnets. The rotor spins inside the stator which is filled with copper windings.

Now the mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy which is carried by the copper wire and fed into a transformer.

The voltage is increased to allow for the efficient transmission of energy to a substation near your town, where it is then stepped back down to a lower voltage. The energy is distributed throughout the town or city where it is further stepped down to 415 or 240 volts.

The energy generated from water helps power Tasmanian households and businesses. It’s also sold into the national grid supporting Australia’s transition to a renewable energy future.

And that’s how hydropower works!

DamNation | The Problem with Hydropower

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DamNation | The Problem with Hydropower

This film explores the evolution of our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of wild rivers.
Produced by Matt Stoecker & Travis Rummel
Directed by Ben Knight & Travis Rummel

I build 220v electric Hydropower dam

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What Is The Future Of Hydropower?

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Hydropower is the world’s largest source of renewable energy, yet we don’t hear much about it. That’s in part because hydropower generation in the U.S. has remained relatively steady for decades. But internationally, it’s been growing rapidly, especially in China. That growth has some environmentalists concerned, as dams and reservoirs disrupt the surrounding ecosystems and can create C02 and methane emissions. Plus, hydropower generation is threatened as climate-driven droughts become increasingly common. Yet many experts say that hydropower is absolutely vital for a fossil fuel-free world and so learning how to mitigate these challenges will be critical in the decades to come.

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What Is The Future Of Hydropower?

Micro Hydropower : Turbulent Turbines

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Hydropower has been with us for millennia, but the 20th Century race to build huge centralised hydropower dams in many parts of the world has caused untold environmental damage. Now a new micro-hydropower technology is working with the natural flow of water and wildlife rather than against it, to bring much needed constant baseload power to off grid areas in remote areas of developing nations.

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Lecture 08 Energy Transition – Hydropower

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Historical overshoot- and undershoot water wheels, Kaplan-, Francis-, and Pelton turbines, efficiency calculation and comparison, Run-of-River plants, storage hydro power plants, pumped hydro storage power plants, micro hydro power plants, tidal power plants.
All lectures:
1. Introduction to the Transition of the Energy System:
2. Conventional power supply:
3. Solar Irradiance: Astronomical basics: Positioning of the sun during a year, Elevation and azimuth of the sun during a day and during the year from a terrestrial observer, Spectra of the sun for different “Air Masses” (AM):
4. Solar Thermal Energy Systems:
5. PV – Basics: Principle of photovoltaic energy conversion. Characteristics of solar cells: I-V-curve, influence of irradiance level, spectrum of irradiance, spectral efficiency, MPP, Form Factor, influence of parasitic resistors, weak light effect, operation temperature, STC.
6. PV Energy Systems: Installation, Mounting, Foundation, Substructures, Inverters, Conversion efficiency, Energy yield, Off-grid vs. On-grid systems, Configuration of PV systems, Wiring, Balance of System costs (BoS), Optimization of PV power plants. Solutions to Exercise 6 – PV systems – plus homework.
7. Wind Energy: Historical and actual development of wind power conversion.
Extractable power from the wind. Parameters of wind energy: Height, pressure, temperature, density. Weibull- and Rayleigh-distribution of wind velocity.
Theoretical conversion efficiency of wind power conversion, Betz efficiency. Types of wind power converters, tip speed ratio, cost, complementarity, software tool, literature.
7.1 Wind Energy:
7.2 Correlation of wind and solar power:
8. Hydro Power: Historical water wheels, type of turbines, run-of-river-plants, hydro storage power plants:
9. Geothermal Energy: Potential, Geology, Conversion Processes, Exploration, Costs
10. Biomass Energy:
11. Energy Storage (part 1):
12. Energy Storage (part 2):
13. Energy Storage (part 3):
14. Optimization of a Wind-Storage-Transmission System
15. Flexibility of Demand & Supply, Demand Side Management (DSM)
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Energy to go: the world’s smallest hydropower plant | Eco-at-Africa

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Sick of your phone running out of battery? Now you can use a mini water turbine to charge it up. With the invention already a success in India, the German engineer behind it now has his sights set on the African market.

More Africa-related news:
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00:00 – Intro
01:22 – Grid stability
02:24 – Trend of renewable energy
03:14 – Hydropower generation
03:44 – Hydropower turbines
06:55 – Hydropower Plants


Electricity is produced by a diversity of energy sources, and different types of technologies.

According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, in 2020:
– Natural gas represented the largest source of energy production, at about 40%
– Coal represented about 19%
– Petroleum at 1%
– Nuclear energy, producing electricity from nuclear fission, represented 20%

As for renewable energies, those have been rapidly varying their share of U.S. electricity.
The total amount of electricity produced by renewable energy in the U.S is about 20%.

Here is a breakdown in 2020:
– Hydropower plants produce about 7.3%
– Wind Generation: 8.4%
– Biomass: 1.4%
– Solar: 2.3%
– Geothermal: 0.5%

Renewable energy has become a very hot topic in today’s world. We see and hear more every day about solar and wind power generation.

What we don’t talk about, however, is that with the increased use of wind and solar energy, comes the increased concern about grid stability.

The equilibrium between how much load is generated, and how much load is required by the grid is a continuous balancing act, which needs stability and is crucial in order to avoid blackouts. The energy generated needs to constantly be equal to the energy consumed.

When it comes to generating power via the use of wind or solar energy, there are uncertainties that need to be accounted for: Either the sun is bright and shining, or it is not. Either you have wind making your turbines spin, or you don’t.

What we are doing by the addition of those energy sources is essentially adding more and more instability to the grid.

This is where hydropower comes in… not only do the hydropower plants have the ability to store fuel (or water!), they also have the ability to respond to grid variations, also referred to as load requests within fragments of a second due to its governing systems that control the turbine’s speed.

That is why hydropower is often referred to as the Guardian of the Grid!

How is hydropower actually generated?
Well… the energy is generated by the same principles ancient Greek farmers used to grind grain: the flowing water spinning a wheel or a turbine.

Hydroelectric power plants are always located near a water source due to the fact that water is the source of hydroelectric power.

Inside the power plants, there are different types of turbines, but for today, we will look into the turbine known as the Francis turbine or the friendly Francis. It takes the friendly nickname due to being less complex to control, with fewer parts and fewer variables.

The difference in elevation, created by the dam, between water level from intake and discharge is what is referred to as head.

With the exception of the not-so-common diversion turbine, which relies on the natural flow of water to create motion, hydro turbines are often built at a lower elevation.

Francis turbines require a low and medium head. This means that the dam is smaller than when compared to the dams needed for the other turbine’s head’s requirements.

Wicket gates are how governors can control the speed of the turbine!
The turbine then turns the attached shaft which spins your generator, to produce electricity. That electricity then travels through power lines all the way to your home… and gives you light!

We have two other types of turbines, the Kaplan and the Pelton turbine.
– A Kaplan turbine has not only gates but also blades!
– A Pelton Turbine spins on air just like the Greek farmer’s wheels.


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Harnessing Hydropower Energy and Installation of free electrical system for cabin camp | OFF GRID

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Harnessing Hydropower Energy and Installation of free electrical system for cabin camp | OFF GRID Ep.16

#bushcraftcamp #HydropowerEnergy #buildingalogcabin #SolarEnergy #waterEnergy #Energyforoffgrid #electricalsystem #freeEnergy #anabushcraft

Ana’s has lived alone here for a while, The electric power system that Ana’s is using is powered by a small 1000w turbine. After building the small cabin, Ana’s needed to install the electrical system for the house. Today Ana’s will upgrade the flow and ensure enough water for Ana’s hydroelectric system to work properly and provide enough electricity for Ana’s house. Do you see Ana’s installed correctly? Please leave your comments in the comments section. Hope you guys enjoy the work Ana’s is doing and See you in the next videos on Ana’s bushcraft channel.

Watch More :
FULL VIDEO : Installing a rudimentary electric power system from water…

FULL VIDEO : Building a Log Cabin . . .

Full Episode : 60 DAYS LIVING OFF GRID . . .
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