Awesome Low Head High Flow Grid Tie Micro Hydro 530 watts!
Alternative Energy May 20th. 2022, 5:34pmI travel to a summer home in the mountains of Western North Carolina to meet Bill. He has come up with a way to pull a lot of water over a dam and into a permanent magnet alternator. He feeds the power to the house to supplement what is used. Bill is using Langston Alternative Power for his setup and makes around 500 watts.
The interesting thing about this micro hydro setup is the way that the system is started. There is a lot of water that needs to flow over a dam. To get this system going Bill uses a simple shop vac to pull the water over into the 6″ pipe.
No batteries or charge controller is needed. Simply a grid tie limiter inverter.
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#mrconstruction #freeenergy #hydroelectric #scienceproject
With simple materials and an electric motor, you can create your own free electric energy, which can be used to light bulbs, charge phones, batteries … In the video is a model Pretty unique picture for the above idea, see and comment on your own opinion.
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