Nuclear Energy
Alternative Energy August 27th. 2022, 5:31pm025 – Nuclear Energy
In this video Paul Andersen explains how nuclear energy is released during fission of radioactive uranium. Light water reactors, nuclear waste, and nuclear accidents are also discussed along with the future of nuclear energy.
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Title: I4dsong_loop_main.wav
Artist: CosmicD
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Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly
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Delphi234. (2014). English: History of nuclear power in the world. Data is from IAEA and EIA. Retrieved from
DOE. ([object HTMLTableCellElement]). English: Spent fuel pool at a nuclear power plant. Retrieved from
File:Chernobyl Disaster.jpg. (2014, April 30). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Globe, D. (2011). English: The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. Reactor 1 to 4 from right to left. Retrieved from
lightningBy ZaWertun. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Spoon, S. (2011). English: en:International Nuclear Event Scale. Retrieved from
UK, C. R. (2014). Diagram showing a lobectomy of the thyroid gland. Retrieved from
Z22. (2014). English: The unit 2 of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station closed since the accident in 1979. The cooling towers on the left. Retrieved from
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Learn the positives and negatives of nuclear power.
In the ’70s people started getting excited about nuclear energy because it has the technology required to be used on a large scale.
In fact, nuclear energy accounts for roughly 21% of the electricity produced in the US.
Compare this to all of the other renewables like solar and wind which combined only produce 12%
But, nuclear power has a dark side
Nuclear Energy Transcript
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