Archive for the tag: challenge

Live Better Challenge: What should we do to save energy?

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Live Better Challenge: What should we do to save energy?

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As part of the Live Better Challenge, The Guardian asks young people aged 8-12 what we should do to Live Better and save on energy.

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The 'duck curve' is solar energy's greatest challenge

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Renewables require change in the energy supply chain.

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Electricity is incredibly difficult to store, so grid operators have to generate it at the exact moment it is demanded. In order to do this, they create incredibly accurate models of the total electric loads, that is how much energy will be consumed on a given day. But as utilities started to produce more energy from renewable sources like solar, the models started to shift as well.

California researchers discovered a peculiarity in their state’s electric load curves, that started to look more and more like a duck. And that duck shaped chart highlights the greatest challenge to solar energy growth in the US.

Vox writer David Roberts has been covering the issue for a few years now. You can read some of his past explainers on the duck curve, and its solutions at the links below:

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