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Passive solar energy systems absorb heat directly from the sun without the use of mechanical and electric equipment, and energy cannot be collected or stored. Active solar energy systems use solar energy to heat a liquid through mechanical and electric equipment to collect and store the energy captured from the sun. Photovoltaic solar cells capture light energy from the sun and transform it directly into electrical energy. Their use is limited by the availability of sunlight.
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“Greenroof” by pnwra [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Santa Fe adobe” by Carol m [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Home awnings” by Conarty [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Thermal solar collector” by Norbert Nagel [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Ivanpah” by Craig Butz [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Heliostats” by Alexchris [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Mersin CSP field” by Kohsman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
“Solar calculator” by Rfassbind [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons:
What are the environmental benefits of solar energy?
Solar isn’t just great for your wallet, it’s also an environmentally-friendly energy choice. Here are some of the many environmental benefits you’ll enjoy if you switch to solar energy.
To start, solar is a renewable resource, which means it is abundant and replenishes quickly. Compare this to fossil fuels which exist in a limited supply and replenish very slowly. Here’s a fun fact: enough solar energy hits the earth each hour to power the entire world for an entire year.
Additionally, harnessing solar energy is a low-impact process compared to harvesting fossil fuels. Drilling for oil involves digging deep into the earth and interfering with our natural environment. On the other hand, setting up a new solar panel installation has a much lower environmental impact. This is because – unlike traditional power plants – solar is commonly installed on existing structures or otherwise unusable plots of land – such as rooftops, over parking lots, or on landfills.
Solar energy is also an emission-free, clean source of power. Generating energy with fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, which contributes to global climate change. Using fossil fuels also releases additional pollutants and toxins into the atmosphere and water supply. After you install solar panels, you’ll use less electricity generated from coal, oil and gas – this lowers your carbon footprint and helps protect the environment.
When you compare options for solar on the EnergySage Marketplace, your quotes will show you how much pollution you’ll personally offset by making the switch to solar power.
Health and environmental benefits of solar:
Cost of solar:
Why conserve energy: Video Rating: / 5