How to save on electric bill with an AC (simple tweaks and maintenance tips)
Renewable Energy Tags: Bill, Electric, maintenance, SAVE, Simple, Tips, tweaksNo Comments »

This video gives you some simple maintenance tips and tweaks that will help you save energy and cut down on your electricity bill.
By the way, the outdoor fan motor of this particular LG AC is sealed, its safe even if it gets wet and please UNPLUG YOUR AC FROM WALL OUTLET BEFORE CLEANING IT.
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1 Ton LG Dual Inverter 5 Star with Wifi and copper condenser
1.5 Ton LG Dual Inverter 5 Star with Wifi, 4-way swing and copper condenser (White and Grey color)
1.5 Ton LG Dual Inverter 1.5T model 5 Star with a copper condenser (THIS IS WITHOUT WIFI and 4-way swing)
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