Archive for the tag: economy

Innovating for the clean energy economy

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Which clean energy solutions are effective, and which need more work? Through explorations of household, city, and regional clean energy innovations and implementation efforts, Professor Daniel Kammen both analyzes successful innovation processes and identifies the areas that need urgent action and targeted programs. A mixture of analytic and empirical studies are used to explore what steps have worked and where dramatic new approaches are needed.

This talk was presented on March 6, 2018 as part of the IHS Markit Seminar Series.

3 questions with Kammen:

3 Questions: Innovating for the clean energy economy

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About the speaker:

Daniel Kammen is a professor of energy at the University of California, Berkeley, with parallel appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering. Kammen is the founding director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory and former director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center. His research focuses on energy supply; transmission; the smart grid and low-carbon energy systems; the life-cycle impacts of transportation options; and energy for community development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He has published extensively on these topics and testified numerous times in U.S. state and federal congressional briefings. In 2010, Kammen was appointed the first energy fellow of the Environment and Climate Partnership for the Americas; he has also served the state of California and the U.S. federal government in several other expert and advisory capacities.


The MIT Energy Initiative is MIT’s hub for energy research, education, and outreach. Learn more at

Can we get to 100% Renewable energy by 2050? Get CuriosityStream AND Nebula for less than per year (26% off!)

In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the solutions for and whether it’s even possible to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. Specifically, this video looks at the obstacles renewable technologies like wind turbines and solar panels, solar power, and solar energy face in the coming decade by unpacking some of the common arguments fielded against renewables. The documentary, Planet of Humans, was recently published and is a prime example of this kind of renewable bashing. Ultimately though, I show that the problems facing renewables like wind turbine energy and solar panel energy are surmountable through existing technologies like pumped-hydro storage and grid interconnectors. Ultimately, 100% renewable fossil-fuel-free energy is not only possible but necessary to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

Read my blog post here:

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Introduction – 0:00
Renewable Problems – 1:06
Storage Solutions – 5:36
A Renewable Future – 8:13
Sponsored Message – 10:00
Outro – 12:03

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#Renewables #CleanEnergy #ClimateChange

Renewable energy industry booming despite struggling economy

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Renewable energy like wind and solar has grown in popularity as use of oil and gas has dropped. Now, despite the struggling economy, the industry is booming. CBS News meteorologist and climate specialist Jeff Berardelli spoke with experts in the fields of clean energy and green economics about transitioning workers to a climate-conscious future.
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Is Nuclear Fusion The Answer To Clean Energy?

Nuclear power has a controversial history, but many energy experts say it has a major role to play in our energy future. Some in the industry are working to make standard fission power safer and cheaper. Others are pursuing the holy grail of energy – nuclear fusion, the process that powers the sun and the stars. If we figure out how to harness that power here on earth, it would be a huge game-changer.

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Is Nuclear Fusion The Answer To Clean Energy?

Germany: The world's first major renewable energy economy

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Germany: The world's first major renewable energy economy

The planet Earth will be completely devastated by 2050 if natural resources will be exploited at the current rate.

«According to the scientists, in 50 years people will have to move to another planet, because life on Earth will be impossible». This statement is from 2006. And in 2018 this prediction has been confirmed by the fact that the annual volume of renewable resources of the planet ended on August 1, 2018.

Can we stop this huge conveyor? – It is difficult but possible. The key word in this mission is renewable resources.

This documentary shows renewable energy sector in Germany. The country is well known as “The world’s first major renewable energy economy”, and in this film I learned something new about green energy.

Please like, and comment below what do you think about the future of renewable energy. Would it save the Earth?

Directed by
Vladyslav Kostetskyi

Special Thanks to:

Iryna Riabenka,
Hovhannes Martirosyan,
Jana Bitschewa,
Valeriy Pysarenko,
Jörg Dahlke,
David Puertollano.
and all Offener Kanal Magdeburg crew.



Німеччина: №1 економіка з відновлювальної енергетики

Планета Земля буде повністю розорена до 2050 року, якщо природні ресурси продовжать експлуатуватись за поточним курсом.

«За словами вчених, через 50 років людям доведеться переїхати на іншу планету, тому що жити на Землі буде неможливо». Це твердження 2006-го року. А у 2018 році це передбачення підтверджується фактом, що щорічний обсяг поновлюваних ресурсів планети, закінчився ще 1 серпня 2018 року.

Чи можемо ми зупинити цей величезний конвеєр? – Це важко, але можливо. Ключовим словом у цій місії – є поновлювані ресурси!

Цей документальний фільм розповідає про Німецький сектор відновлювальної енергетики. Країна добре відома тим, що є лідируючою економікою з відновлюваної енергетики в світі, і в цьому фільмі я розповідаю про цікавинки “зеленої” енергії.

Став лайк, підписуйся і не забувай написати нижче, що саме ТИ думаєш про майбутнє відновлювальних джерел в Україні. Чи врятують вони нас? Гм??

Владислав Костецький

Особлива подяка:

Iryna Riabenka,
Hovhannes Martirosyan,
Jana Bitschewa,
Valeriy Pysarenko,
Jörg Dahlke,
David Puertollano.
та всій команді Offener Kanal Magdeburg.


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