Archive for the tag: world&#39s

How the world's largest solar power plant works

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How the world's largest solar power plant works

More and more countries of the world are beginning to use alternative energy sources, including solar. Therefore, modest rooftop panels are being replaced by “solar farms” spread over vast areas. So, the fourth-largest solar power plant in the world, Benban Solar Park is located in Egypt, covers an area of 37 square kilometers, and generates a capacity of 1,650 MW. In third place is Shakti Sthala, located in the city of Pavagada in India. Its area is 50 square kilometers and has a capacity of about 2000 MW. The second is the Chinese Hainan Solar Park. It consists of 672 photovoltaic arrays and produces 2,200 MW. What is the largest solar power plant in the world and how is it arranged? Watch in our video!

#solar #invention #construction #technology

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
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How India could pull off the world's most ambitious energy transition | Varun Sivaram

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India has a historic opportunity to power its industrialization with clean energy — and its energy choices will make or break the world’s fight against climate change, says clean energy executive, physicist and author Varun Sivaram. Bringing on-the-ground experience as CTO of India’s largest renewable energy company, Sivaram proposes a plan for India to achieve three herculean feats, all at the same time — and reimagine its economy with renewable energy at its heart.

This talk was part of the Countdown Global Launch on 10.10.2020. (Watch the full event here: Countdown is TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. The goal: to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, in the race to a zero-carbon world. Get involved at

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Top clean energy stock? Bio Fuel stock up 1000% ! Kevin breaks down GEVO stock which is up huge as investors hop on the clean energy train. He discusses his thoughts on Bio fuel and clean energy. Kevin offers his opinion on GEVO stock, and gives his price prediction, forecast, and investing plan. He closes out by offering his opinion that GEVO may need to cool down a little bit for the valuation to make since.

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Germany: The world's first major renewable energy economy

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Germany: The world's first major renewable energy economy

The planet Earth will be completely devastated by 2050 if natural resources will be exploited at the current rate.

«According to the scientists, in 50 years people will have to move to another planet, because life on Earth will be impossible». This statement is from 2006. And in 2018 this prediction has been confirmed by the fact that the annual volume of renewable resources of the planet ended on August 1, 2018.

Can we stop this huge conveyor? – It is difficult but possible. The key word in this mission is renewable resources.

This documentary shows renewable energy sector in Germany. The country is well known as “The world’s first major renewable energy economy”, and in this film I learned something new about green energy.

Please like, and comment below what do you think about the future of renewable energy. Would it save the Earth?

Directed by
Vladyslav Kostetskyi

Special Thanks to:

Iryna Riabenka,
Hovhannes Martirosyan,
Jana Bitschewa,
Valeriy Pysarenko,
Jörg Dahlke,
David Puertollano.
and all Offener Kanal Magdeburg crew.



Німеччина: №1 економіка з відновлювальної енергетики

Планета Земля буде повністю розорена до 2050 року, якщо природні ресурси продовжать експлуатуватись за поточним курсом.

«За словами вчених, через 50 років людям доведеться переїхати на іншу планету, тому що жити на Землі буде неможливо». Це твердження 2006-го року. А у 2018 році це передбачення підтверджується фактом, що щорічний обсяг поновлюваних ресурсів планети, закінчився ще 1 серпня 2018 року.

Чи можемо ми зупинити цей величезний конвеєр? – Це важко, але можливо. Ключовим словом у цій місії – є поновлювані ресурси!

Цей документальний фільм розповідає про Німецький сектор відновлювальної енергетики. Країна добре відома тим, що є лідируючою економікою з відновлюваної енергетики в світі, і в цьому фільмі я розповідаю про цікавинки “зеленої” енергії.

Став лайк, підписуйся і не забувай написати нижче, що саме ТИ думаєш про майбутнє відновлювальних джерел в Україні. Чи врятують вони нас? Гм??

Владислав Костецький

Особлива подяка:

Iryna Riabenka,
Hovhannes Martirosyan,
Jana Bitschewa,
Valeriy Pysarenko,
Jörg Dahlke,
David Puertollano.
та всій команді Offener Kanal Magdeburg.


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