Archive for the tag: Ever

The Easiest Wind Generator You'll Ever Make

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today is a windy day- so time to do this lol

Sustainable Business: Green energy is cheaper than ever

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Plunging costs of renewables mark a turning point in a global transition to low-carbon energy, with new solar or wind farms increasingly cheaper to build than running existing coal plants, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).


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More Money Is Flowing Into Green Energy Than Ever Before. Here’s Why. | WSJ

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Investors have been pouring more money than ever into renewable energies such as solar and wind. WSJ looks at how the pandemic, lower energy costs and global politics have driven the rally–and whether it can last.

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If 34 billion dollars in capital investment would provide for the energy needs of 6 million people almost pollutant free, would you do it? That’s the question Denmark – population a touch under that 6 million – is currently answering with a resounding yes.

Green energy, as we all know, is looking likely to be one of the keys to humanity’s future. If it’s successful, it will represent a societal change with implications for the whole planet. While recycling your bottles and not leaving your TV on standby still has its place, it’s becoming increasingly clear that bigger sweeping changes are needed to redress the climate crisis.

In fact, there have already been some mammoth projects in this area. China’s Tengger Desert solar park covers 16 square miles. South Korea uses an area of a similar size to produce energy from waves, having built an artificial wall to create tidal-power generating Sihwa Lake. The UK powers around 600,000 homes with a single large wind farm off its west coast, and Canada is set to open the world’s biggest green hydrogen plant.
Denmark, though, will be taking things one step further, producing an entire offshore island with the sole aim of making a ginormous step in the country’s drive towards green energy.

Denmark’s Billion Green-Energy Island


Imagery supplied via Getty Images
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Most Earth-Friendly Home Ever Built? | National Geographic

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Most Earth-Friendly Home Ever Built? | National Geographic

The group Habitat for Humanity is building six homes in Washington, D.C., that are not only affordable but also energy efficient. Known as passive houses, these homes meet rigorous standards through low-energy construction practices and energy-efficient appliances. Whereas the average household in the area spends up to ,500 annually on energy, passive-house owners can expect to reduce those costs by up to 90 percent.
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EDITOR: Jennifer Murphy

Most Earth-Friendly Home Ever Built? | National Geographic

National Geographic
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Experts have come together to visualise what the smart eco home – the Smart E-Home – of the future could look like, complete with smart toilets, living rooms which transform colour, texture and shape via voice-command, community-based electric vehicle car-pooling and living kitchens with hydroponic fruit and veg gardens.

The small steps we are taking now, such as requesting a smart meter, will pave the way for the future Smart E-Home.

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