About fifteen years ago, humanity realized that if it does not want to be like the proverbial frog – which was boiled in milk for the sake of momentary comfort – then we must immediately stop burning minerals that create a greenhouse effect. Indeed, since the beginning of the 20th century, the average annual temperature on the planet has increased by 1 degree. If it continues this way, then in the 21st century it will rise by another 4 degrees! Fearing this, mankind frantically began developing green energy. Apparently, we have achieved impressive results. The total installed capacity of renewable electricity has doubled over the past 10 years and amounted to 2,537 GW. There are even countries – Iceland, for example – where the share of green energy was 100%! Costa Rica and Austria are closing in, while in Germany the share of green energy exceeds 50%. We seem to be crawling out of the warm milk, don’t we?

#turbine #greenenergy

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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