Archive for the tag: wheel

Living Off Grid for 46 Years | Al and his Hydroelectric Water Wheel

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Living Off Grid for 46 Years | Al and his Hydroelectric Water Wheel

In this video, I meet with Al (82 years of age) one year after helping him rebuild/refurbish his hydroelectric water wheel. We discuss how the wheel has been performing since, and some of the issues he’s faced with it, as well as solutions and plans going forward. Al then gives me a more in-depth view of how he has managed to live on his property in rural Washington state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States for 46 years. A combination of solar power, his water wheel, and a backup generator provide him with off grid power. While a natural spring provides gravity fed drinking water to his main house, as well as his many unique and custom built out-buildings (including a sauna cabin). Al and I conclude our visit by hiking to the highest point on his 40 acre parcel of land to catch a view of Mt St Helens and reminisce about the 1980 eruption.

Here is a link to the video of Al and I rebuilding the wheel:

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History of Hydro Power | What is Hydro Energy | History of water wheel

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Hi Friends,
Welcome to Let’s Grow Up Youtube channel. Today we are launching a fantastic video. in this video, we explained the History of Hydropower or Hydroelectric. What is Hydro Power? What is History? Everything you will learn in this video. Not only history but also learn about some scientists and how the turbine was invented.

#History of Hydro Power
# Hydropower
#Hydroelectric Power Plant
#how hydroelectric power works
#What is Hydro Energy
# History of the water wheel

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