What is Tidal Energy?

Renewable energy is energy that is replenished by nature so that it can be used over and over again. Tidal energy is produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of the tides.

The world’s oceans are extremely powerful, and the tides are no different. With tidal energy, we can harness some of this vast energy from the changing tides and tidal currents.

The gravity between the Moon, the Earth and the Sun combine to move the tides in and out. The tides change at predictable times linked to the cycle of the moon. In some parts of the world, the speed and the difference in height of the tides is greater, because of the local geography and the Earth’s tilt. By placing devices that harness some of the tidal energy in these narrow channels we can generate electricity that can power communities, and contribute to the power requirements of towns and cities.

With climate change becoming a greater concern, it is our job to find alternative ways to provide energy. Ways that are more available and sustainable than fossil fuels. Tidal energy can play a big part in the solution, as it is renewable, predictable and, if combined with storage, is highly flexible.

Brought to you by http://taoide.eu/ and http://www.marei.ie/
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